Louis F. Richardson “Butch”

Louis F. Richardson “Butch” passed away, November 21, 2023.

Devoted husband of Frances Generao. Loving dad of Kathleen “Kitten”, Paul, Tommy, Jimmy, Becky and the late Chrissy. Poppy to 8 grandchildren and 3 Great- Grandchildren. Brother of Margaret Goodwin “Cookie”.

Relatives and friends are invited to his viewing Wednesday, 11/29 at 9AM The Guckin Funeral Mansion 3330 G Street. Phila PA 19134.

Funeral service 10:30 AM.

Interment Bristol Cemetery.

14 thoughts on “Louis F. Richardson “Butch””

  1. We are so sorry for the loss of such a wonderful man. He Loved Franny with all his heart. They were a team. His Love will help her get through these very tough days. Our prayers and lots of hugs are being sent. All our Love, Karen and Bernie XO

  2. “Butch” you and I were very close back when I got married and had my son, you were my kinda brother in law. And your my nephews father. I wish you go to the place you deserve to go to. You will be missed. Rip Lav

    1. Virginia Donnelly

      Dear Butch, I was looking for you for the last couple of years. Back in the day I always could find you no matter where we were in life. The first time I seen you at the age of 12 I fell in love even though I didn’t know what love was but in my eyes you were my forever love. It’s been a long time I’ll miss you. Love Ginny

  3. Dolores Malloy nee Borschell

    Butchy Our parents made us cousins our hearts and the way we were raised made us siblings. So my heart will always miss my brother Butchy We was always close and ended every phone call saying to each other If you need me call me and I love you. We shared one another’s happiness, sorrow, good times, and even got in trouble together . Until we meet again I will always miss and love you.. Love Dolores

  4. Dolores Borschell

    Butchy our parents made us cousins
    The way we was raise in our hearts we was siblings. Butchy I will always picture you as my adorable cute baby brother like 2 yrs old you would take my tiny tears doll run with it laughing saying take off like a big ass bird. I would be so upset. and Mother would say he just wants your attention. Mother would tell your Mom watch me that I might hurt you. Your Mom said no way. He is her baby and she loves him.. Your mom was right. Then came the years we laughed, cried, played and got in trouble together. Of course because I was older l was always wrong. You did that one thing without me and say l made you ,knowing Mother and Aunt Dolores would believe you. Even Pop believed you. You said you would tell them the truth and never did. I could never stay mad at you, We always introduced one another as brother and sister When we grew up we was always there for one another if needed. Older years neither one of us in good health we would called one another several times a week and at the end of every phone call we will always say to each other if you need me call me, and I love you before bye. Can not say bye now so till we meet again I will always love and miss you RlP Love Dolores

  5. I’m so sorry to hear of his passing, we had many laughs he was one of my favorite customers always had me laughing. My condolences to the family.

  6. You were always Louie to me. Then I heard someone talking and they said Butch . I said who is that? My sister Kathy laughed and said that is what his family called him. I still don’t know why the introduction was Louie. Oh well, guess I’ll never know. Kitten I know he’s up there now talking with your mom! Be brave! He’s in your heart. No one can take him from their.

  7. Butch i know in my head that you were tired but honestly thought you were coming home with me but God had different plans for you i know i always saved you but i couldn’t this time my heart aches to hear you say girl are you ok and me respond boy are you ok but i am not ok without you💔

  8. Rebecca A Cummins

    They say people come into your life for a reason…you came into my life and showed me what a father’s love truly was. Through our ups and downs you’ve always stood by me even when I was wrong…which was often. As much as it hurts to not have you physically here, I’m just happy I got to have you in my life at all. Continue watching over mom and we’ll continue loving her and taking care of her just as you did. Until I see you again dad, I love you.

  9. I met butch about 13 years ago. Butch was quick with a comment and had a nickname for everyone he knew most times they were inappropriate lol
    Butch was a proud union man always showed me the places he worked and had a story with it. he was a son, husband, dad, friend and a grandfather. Butch was never late always so early that I would lie about the time of apportionments because he would get me there too early. Butch loved taking the kids to the wooden playground, sprinklers and fishing. Butch would never say no to a snack and shared all his chocolate even when franny said no. He never missed an event at school or grandparents breakfast. Even on his sickest days he would ask franny whose going to pick my kids up? He always put them first it didn’t matter what the temperature was if James wanted to sell water he sat in his car and watched him. Butch was the best and was always taking care of someone. His heart was pure if he knew someone would be alone on a holiday he would go pick them up and let them sit at his table no questions asked.
    I am in disbelief that he is no longer here and my heart aches for my kids and franny
    Thank you for everything butch

  10. Butch i am having a hard time without you how am i supposed to get through the holidays without you, my heart hurts so much and james is having such a hard time he has melt downs mostly every day . i am trying to be strong for them. Cause they wouldn’t be able to handle another loss .I love you with all my heart until we meet again i know you will be waiting💔

  11. It’s me again Butch i am trying to get through these holidays without you💔 Thanksgiving was ok Becky and jim and tommy came we cooked and i know you were here cause it was your favorite holiday but it will never be the same and you know Christmas is my favorite but it isn’t the same without you by my side. Please watch over the kids I Love you Always and Forever

  12. Butch we are coming to a end of the year and bringing in a new year its so hard for me to think of my life without you i know you want me to be strong but you were my rock and i always had you to lean on. I know i did everything but i don’t even wanna get out of bed. Please give me a sign that you are still around. I did hear you coughing last night. I called to you but you didn’t answer . you were my soulmate my friend lover and husband and my love for you never wavered until we meet again and i can run into your arms once again💔

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