Tia M. Newton

We are sad to announce the passing of Tia Maria Newton, Philadelphia PA, she died at the age of 29 on October 26, 2022 Tia passed away surrounded by her loved ones.

She is the mother of: Kaylee-daughter (10 yr) Dylan-son (8 yr) Nathan-son (7yr) Chloe-daughter (2 yr)

Sister of: Richard Walters “Monk”, Roger Walters (Deceased), Daneen Miller, Eric Weissman, Monica Sanabria, Felix Sanabria, Laya Newton, Tyler Newton, Robert Newton JR, and Bianca Walters.

Daughter of Mary Emma Walters (Deceased)
Robert Newton and other mom Sonya Morton.

Tia was a loving person with a beautiful soul. She treasured and loved her children very much. She will be cherished and missed dearly by all her family and friends.

Tia is survived by loving aunts, nieces, nephews, cousins and friends. Relatives and friends are invited to her funeral Services:

Thursday Nov 3rd 2022 at Bethel Baptist
2080 Castor Ave, Philadelphia PA 19134

Services will be 4-6pm

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